This is a sketch I did yesterday night xP
Playing Cranium -
and watching turtles! so cute~
I got home around 3 last night and wrote for about an hour before falling asleep XP
Sorryyy It's on a pizza box :O I really need to get better at presentation @_______@ eeep
I just went out for coffee ! :D idk why that makes me happy. oohhh. I slept over at NJCU this weekend~ My dad thinks I "party" too much.. HAHAHA what? JOHN Mayer. I want his CD xP oohh but what's a poor me to do? >:D work
I love his music~
Anyway- my bff calls this "Wow it's like the porno version of Little Mermaid." yeah okay krsh
Junk in the Funk in the Trunk in the Bunkitty........ pahapah
I think I'm writing too much....
this week is going to suck! ;D
1 comment:
an update finally :U
i need to keep drawing in my sketchbook
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