Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

:o] Wishing you Happy Holidays! hahaha

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Story by: The Grimm Brothers, "Snow White and Rose Red"
These are the thumbnails for a 32 page Childrens Story Book. The first couple are really rough, just so I can figure out the flow of the story and the text placement..
Then it gets more detailed and refined :] This is only the first half.. I included the story below. I rewrote it and I took out a LOT. I'd love some advice on how I can make the story better, I don't think I'm a very good writer.. or editor haha.

I love to draw and paint animals :] they're so much fun!

Snow White and Rose Red

There once lived a poor widow and her two daughters in a small cottage. Her older daughter's name was Snow White, the youngest Rose Red.

One evening, while they were sitting peacefully at home, someone started knocking at the door as if he wanted to be let in right away.

The mother said: "Quick, Rose Red, go and open the door. It may be a wayfarer seeking shelter."

When Rose Red went to the door and unbolted it, she was surprised to see a bear!

The bear began to speak, and he said: "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. Won't you let me stay in your warm home?"

"You poor fellow," said the mother. "Do come in! Snow White, Rose Red, The bear isn't going to hurt you, he means no harm."

Soon the girls got used to the awkward guest, and he had to put up with all kinds of mischief from them. They would tug at his fur, walk on his back with their feet, and roll him back and forth, or else they would beat him with a hazel branch, and when he growled "Children, spare me!" they would start laughing.

The mother let the bear stay and the bear, Snow White, and Rose Red became very good friends.

Soon spring arrived and everything outside was turning green, the bear told the family: "I have to leave and won't return until the summer is over."

The girls didn't know that the reason the bear left was because of the evil dwarves. They come up to enjoy the weather and steal all of the bears treasures.

Everyone felt sad to see the bear go. The bear hurried off, and soon dissapeared into the woods.

Later on the children went to the woods to gather brushwood and they found a dwarf! They found him stuck to a tree trunk and He said,"What are you standing there for? Can't you come over here and help me!"

The girls pulled as hard as they could on the beard, but it was really stuck! (So Snow White decided to pull out a little pair of scissors from her pocket and cut the tip of the beard off. As soon as he was free he ran off with his sack of gold! muttering to himself) "Those horrible girls cut my beard!"

The next day Snow White and Red Rose went out to catch fish for dinner. When they got near the brook they saw the dwarf again. This time his beard got stuck on his fishing pole and a fish was hooked onto it!

Again Snow White pulled out her scissors and chopped part of his beard. With that he grabbed his sack of pearls and ran away.

One day the mother sent the girls into town to buy needles and thread, along with laces and ribbons. Their path took them across a heath that had big rocks strewn above them. Suddenly they caught sight of a huge bird soaring above them, to their horror they realized that the eagle had seized the dwarf and was about to fly off with him. The kindhearted children grabbed on to the little man and held tight, struggling with the eagle until it finally let go of its prey.

(The dwarf once again ran off this time grabbing a sack of diamonds and slipped under a rock to get back to his cave.)

On the way home the girls bumped into the dwarf. The dwarf had left all his shiny jewels on the ground and the two girls stood there gaping at the shimmering objects.

"Why are you standing there gaping at my stones!," the dwarf screamed.

All of a sudden a great black bear came and growled at him. The frightened dwarf begged him to spare his life and to take the two young girls instead, but the great black bear took him out with a single blow.

The girls had fled, but the bear called after them: "Snow White and Rose Red, don't be afraid. Wait for me, and we can walk together." The girls recognized the voice and stopped in their tracks. When the bear caught up with them, his skin fell off, and he stood there suddenly as a handsome young man, dressed in gold.

"I am the son of a king,"he said, "and that wicked dwarf stole my treasures and turned me into a wild bear. Only his death could break the spell. Now he's gotten the punishment he deserved."

To thank the two girls and their mother, the prince gave them gold and jewelry and they lived happily ever after.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Health-"Eat for Life"

I enjoy getting random health facts from my father.
Here's one he gave me today, he ripped out of a monthly calendar.
"The health benefits of antioxidants are widely known for helping to stave off heart disease, slow the degeneration of brain and eyes, boost the immune system and decrease the risk of cancer. The most common antioxidants include vitamins C and E, beta-carotene (found in carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale, collards, cantaloupe, peaches, apricots, etc.) and the mineral selenium (found in fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken, garlic and some vegetables). Increasing your intake of antioxidants and including a variety of fiber-rich foods every day will help keep your body healthy."
;] I'd like to add a healthy regimen of outside activities as well!
With that said, anyone interested in going on a skii/ snowboarding trip this winter break? I usually go to Mountain Creek.. Plus they have a special, 3 passes for the price of 75 bucks!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I've been doing a lot of bday/ wedding cards lately, and I really enjoy them lol, I should've taken a picture of the wedding card.. it was really nice! I made the envelope out of vellum, and cut out places for ribbon and such :] I guess I love arts/ crafts
Here's the Bells & Whistles final I did for SooJin Buzelli. Not sure if it's finished yet, suggestions? comments? please feel free to leave me any! :D yay! hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! <3

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Art & Fear"

I wish I knew what I was doing.. It helps to know I'm not the only one going through this.. and this book is pretty amazing at pinpointing out the "perils" in making art. I like that it encourages you, as the artist, to do what you love to do and not what you think other people will love: which is something I struggle with.... haha it sounds like a mental illness :[
anyway.. I recommend this book to all people. :]

Friday, November 20, 2009

yay :]

Some new scans :D :D :D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Winter Time

Happy almost winter time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


heres a winter image, I had fun with this one.. it's not finished yet :]

Here are the Hot off the Presses images.. before and after photoshop, I didn't like how the image came out after scanning it :/

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hot off the Presses Sketches!

For you Kamini ;D yay! .. I don't really like posting up sketches.. especially since my sketches are always crappy.. but :O ideas ideas!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Seasons

This is the image before
and after. what do you guys think? :/

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Some Sketches .. @_@

I did these sketches and was really happy with some of them.. but.. I guess they weren't as good as I thought lol @_@

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


PUMPKIN! Carving one is a lot harder than I imagined!

MMM pumpkin pie!!!
I made out of the scraps

I woke up at 5:30am this morning and was in a lot of pain :/ My dad woke up to go to work but I wasn't in pain then.. so I waited for my mom and she gave me amoxicillin? So I gotta look up some doctors and see whats up with my tummy cause it seems I have some bacterial infection.. good thing I don't have school today.. but I got tons of homework to do!

I had to come up with a concept for my portfolio class.. and what I did was listen to some of my dads old cd's.. and I found a bunch of cool bands, - Grateful Dead, The Doors, Dire Straits, and lots of Pink Floyd.. I'm already familiar with the Pink Floyd's albums so I listened to the Grateful Dead.. not as I imagined.. their music is not as dark as their band name suggests.
I listened to The Doors, then to Dire Straits, but then I went back to the Doors and listened to them ALL DAY!
Guess who has a newfound appreciation and awe for The Doors? me! I liked some of their songs before.. their more popular ones like "Touch Me" and "Break on Through".. but now I realize his songs are full of meanings that somehow evoke some weird comfortable emotion from me.. I guess it's the whole 60's 70's thing, but he wrote songs about love, war, sex, life and death... I feel like most of his songs have an undercurrent feeling of death. I had to look up about what his songs were about and such and as I kept researching I fell more and more into the FEEL of his music.

I came up with some interesting sketches, I really like how they turned out and i think the sketches got better and better. I'll post them up in a minute..

I carved a pumpkin last week and thought I would share it with everyone :] uhh^ they're up there lol

Monday, October 26, 2009


lmao I didn't crop out the floor.. but i haven't updated in awhile so I thought I 'd give you guys something ;]
This is my finally finished painting for my portfolio class..

and this is a set design i did.. my final..
I did it on the first scene of "The Magic Flute" Asian inspired.. :]
my brother said it reminded him of DRAGONBALLZ!?!?! grrr
I really love the colors I chose ;D maybe I can really put this to production, that'd be fun!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Okay I accidentally deleted this picture.. :[ my favorite page lol so that's why it's the first one on top haha

Here's my silkscreen book! I'm really excited to finish it,maybe i'll do a different color cover, and of course an image for the cover ;D

This is when you open it, I wanted to show you guys how it opens :] it was really fun to design it..
and hard @_@ confusing ahhh
but i'm really happy how it turned out ^_^

Of course I'm going to add endpapers, I found some nice paper i bought last year to use :]

Maybe next time I'll do a patterned design or something.. idk!!
This is the inside part... i'm going to add a second color to that blue, gold maybe?oooh!

Here is the end :D can't wait to start the next one
It will definitely be better! lol With the first book I learned about where color will be, the separations.. etc... so live and learn !

Anddd here is the "finished painting for food
mm all I have to change is the girls face..
okay toodles!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

YAY! new camera!

This is a sketch

This is my sketchbook

This is a painting i did for set design class

THIS is a watercolor I did for Tom/Yuko's class

and this is michael jackson... :P I don't really likie

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

my camera :{

so,... i was in the midst of getting my camera and of a sudden a crash!
I hit a pole :[ literally... uhhhh so that was $$$$$$ down the drain :[
aaweee so i gotta wait a bit more to get my cameraaaaa